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Thermo Scientific™
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細胞培養 Cell Culture
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- Labobanker 細胞凍液
- 折扣價:NT$
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絕大多數正常細胞的分裂能力是有限的,在不能分裂後就進入衰老狀態,此過程即為細胞衰老(cell senescence),細胞衰老是細胞控制其生長潛能的保障機制,一般含義是覆制型衰老(replicative senescence)。正常細胞經過有限次數的分裂後停止分裂,出現不可逆的生長停滯,此時細胞仍然是存活的,但是細胞形態和生理代謝活性發生明顯變化,通常表現為細胞體積變大,與衰老相關的β-半乳糖苷酶為活化狀態。β-半乳糖苷酶是細胞溶酶體內的水解酶,通常在pH 4.0時表現活性,但在衰老細胞內該酶在pH 6.0條件下表現活性。本試劑盒即是基於此現象及原理,針對衰老相關β-半乳糖苷酶活性水平上調而對衰老組織或細胞進行染色。具體反應原理就是以X-Gal為底物,衰老細胞特異性β-半乳糖苷酶催化該底物生成藍色產物,表現為細胞胞質有藍色沈積物,可以在光學顯微鏡下進行觀察。按照每個樣品染色液用量為1 mL計算,本試劑盒可完成100個樣品的染色。
Component Number |
Component |
G1073 |
G1073-1 |
β-galactosidase Staining Fixation Solution |
100 mL |
G1073-2 |
β-galactosidase Staining Solution A |
100 mL |
G1073-3 |
β-galactosidase Stain B |
1.2 mL |
G1073-4 |
DMF(Dimethylformamide) |
5 mL |
G1073-5 |
X-Gal (Powder) |
100 mg |
l 試劑準備
1. 自備PBS緩沖液(推薦G4202)。
2. 將100 mg X-Gal粉末用5 mL DMF(二甲基甲酰胺)充分溶解混勻,分裝至1.5 mL乾淨離心管中,每管0.5 mL,-20℃避光保存。避免反覆凍溶。
3. 按照下表比例配制β-半乳糖苷酶染色工作液。如果是6孔板培養的細胞,每孔需要1.0-1.5 mL染色工作液,如果是12孔板,每孔需要0.5-1.0 mL染色工作液。根據樣本量配制染色液,避免浪費。
內容物 |
Volume |
β-galactosidase staining solution A |
940 μL |
β-galactosidase stain B |
10 μL |
X - Gal solution |
50 μL |
Total Volume |
1 mL |
1. 對於貼壁細胞
(1) 6孔盤培養好的細胞,去除細胞培養液,用PBS洗滌2次,加入1 mL β-半乳糖苷酶染色固定液,室溫固定15 min。
(2) 移去固定液,用PBS洗滌細胞3次,每次2 min。
(3) 將PBS 吸除幹凈,每孔加入1 mL β-半乳糖苷酶染色工作液,置於37℃孵育2 h至過夜。註意:不能在37℃二氧化碳培養箱中孵育。染色期間需及時觀察顯色情況,如果樣本中β-半乳糖苷酶表達量較高,在數小時內即可完成染色。如果β-半乳糖苷酶表達量低,則需適當延長孵育時間,期間需用保鮮膜或parafilm封住6孔板,防止液體蒸發影響染色結果。
(4) 普通光學顯微鏡下觀察,陽性細胞顯色後,去除染色工作液。如果需要覆染細胞核,在孔盤內加入少量核固紅染液(推薦G1035)覆蓋細胞室溫染色3 min,去除染色液,用PBS清洗數次。
(5) 加入2 mL PBS覆蓋細胞,至此染色完成,此樣本可於4℃保存1周。或者加入70%甘油覆蓋細胞,4℃可保存較長時間。如果是細胞爬片,則可將爬片充分烤幹,二甲苯透明後滴加中性樹膠封片,可長期保存。
2. 對於冰凍切片
(1) 冰凍切片室溫覆溫10 min。以組化筆畫圈,將組織圈出。
(2) 組織上滴加適量β-半乳糖苷酶染色固定液,以完全覆蓋住組織為宜,室溫固定20 min。
(3) 組織切片經PBS浸泡洗滌3次,每次5 min。
(4) 將切片置於避光濕盒中,向組織上滴加適量β-半乳糖苷酶染色工作液,需完全覆蓋住組織。濕盒放入37℃孵育,每隔2 h顯微鏡下觀察顯色情況,如果未見顯色,則繼續孵育,直到組織上衰老細胞顯色。如果樣本需過夜孵育,則需滴加足量的β-半乳糖苷酶染色工作液,防止染液蒸發幹片。
(5) 待組織顯色後,去除染色液,切片入PBS浸洗2次,純水浸洗2次。
(6) (可選)滴加核固紅染液(推薦G1035)染色3 min,水洗3次。
(7) 切片無水乙醇脫水2次,每次5 min再經二甲苯透明5 min,滴加中性樹膠封片。
3. 染色結果
1. X-Gal solution should be thawed and mixed completely at room temperature before use.
2. β-galactosidase staining solution A and B should be restored to room temperature in advance before use, and the prepared staining solution should be thoroughly mixed without precipitation before use.
3. The β-galactosidase staining reaction of senescent cells is dependent on specific pH conditions, so it cannot be incubated in a CO2 incubator for color development, otherwise it will affect the pH of the staining solution and lead to staining failure.
4. When preparing dyeing solution, please choose consumables made of polypropylene (PP) or glass instead of polystyrene (PS).
5. The color development should be observed several times during the 2 h-overnight color development period, too short a time may lead to negative results; too much time can lead to false positives. The chromogenic time is closely related to the amount of β-galactosidase contained in the sample itself.
6. Before preparing the staining solution, check the pH value of staining solution A. If it is not 6.0 (which may be changed due to storage conditions), adjust the pH value to 6.0 with HCl or NaOH before use.
7. β-galactosidase staining of tissue sections requires high preparation of samples, which should be stored at -80℃ and tested as soon as possible. Because β-galactosidase is very easy to inactivate, improper storage or too long of the sample may lead to enzyme inactivation, then no positive staining.
8. Please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during operation
Fig.1WI-38 cells were stained with β-galactosidase kit. The left picture shows senescence WI-38 cells without division and proliferation ability but still alive. After staining, the positive staining cells were more than 95%. The image on the right shows newly resuscitated WI-38 cells (early passage) with less than 3 passages, and no obvious positive cells after staining.
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